Strategic Partners​

Westport HRH, LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of October Three, LLC, is an outsource partner to FSP. Westport HRH, LLC serves as a co-administrator and record keeper of life insurance policies, accounting partner, insurance illustrator, insurance reverse engineering partner. Clients interact seamlessly with Westport HRH, LLC and Financial Solutions Partners personnel. Below are the biographies of key Westport HRH, LLC executives.

Ron Schmidt

Mr. Schmidt is the CEO of Westport HRH. He evaluates and defines the strategic direction of Westport, a company that provides actuarial product design, TPA services and life insurance product wholesaling expertise to the large institutional life market.

Founded in 1986, Westport HRH’s core operations are well known and respected in the financial services industry as a unique resource for clients that are looking for insurance product design, development and administration. Mr. Schmidt’s day-to-day focus is on maintaining a multitude of financial service provider relationships. He keeps a watchful eye on the industry and works with corporate decision makers, life insurance carriers, mutual fund managers, banks, investment managers, executive benefits consultants and technology providers to create highly customized products and services.

Prior to joining Westport, he served as a senior member of the Corporate Insurance Division of The Ayco Company, now a Goldman Sachs subsidiary.

A graduate of Siena College and the Johnson School of Management at Cornell University, Mr. Schmidt has over 30 years of professional experience in the corporate financial services industry.

Ron Schmidt​​ is a Registered Representative of Westport Financial Services, LLC.

Jim Pinto

Jim is the Senior Director of Westport HRH, LLC. Jim’s service to Westport has spanned over 27 years. Throughout this time, Jim has built a reputation for exceeding client expectations. Operating with integrity and an eye toward growth, Jim is continually focused on improving policy service as well as advancing application development. Jim works closely with management, product development, information technology, audit, and policy servicing, in order to successfully deliver all services offered to all clients. Jim draws on his longtime insurance industry knowledge and U.S. Military security and cryptography experience to assure the optimal level of efficiency and accuracy is always provided to clients.

Prior to joining Westport Jim was a product manager for next-generation technology innovations supporting hardware offerings for annual CES conventions.

Jim earned a B.S. in Economics from Southern Connecticut State University and graduated first in his Military Class.

Ellen Ulrich

Ellen’s role begins when insurance products are still conceptual. Staging the development of a client’s ideas into new marketable products is her special talent. Under her careful management, products are ultimately installed and integrated into administrative systems. Applying dynamic experience in actuarial and technological analysis, as well as sales and marketing, Ellen synthesizes and mobilizes numerous teams to produce the best possible outcome for the client.

Her background includes over 30 years in the life insurance industry with experience in plan design, product development, project management, actuarial consulting, sales support, and illustration systems management and development.

She is an Associate of the Society of Actuaries and has earned a B.S. in Economics and Mathematical Sciences from the State University of New York at Binghamton.